FairFight will definitely get some "False Positives". Some players are just good at games, and learn tendencies.

BF4 will have some new features, but in essense, it's still a Battlefield game. There are players that have played every game in the series, and just know how to play the game. There may be some new goodies in BF4, but player habits will still remain unchanged, and good players will still get lots of kills.

I've seen instances where a legit player can lob a grenade into a crowded hallway (like the choke point in Metro), kill 6-8 players, and get banned by FairFight. Not kicked.....BANNED.

If FairFight is implemented, its settings should be configurable. Otherwise, its gonna piss off some legit good players.

But then again, maybe EA don't care. As long as they can please the mass of morons out there, and rake in the money....