Must have at least 2 months on the forums and/or 1 month paid subscription ( have paid for 1 subscription in the past )

Let us know a little about yourself

Username: (What you go by / prefer to be named)
(Optional) Age:
(Optional) Biography:

Why do you think you deserve a part in the
nxHacks Staff?

I'm applying for <Design/Media>: <Words/Design/Media links and interesting stuff goes here>


Username: Cokex ( nxCoka )
Country: Alaska, United States
Age: 24
Biography: I work at this little place called nxHacks. ( example; you don't need to write exactly this )

I'm applying for Media, why? Because I'm damn good at making videos! ( add more detail in your application; this is also an example )
<Links to my awesome videos should go here or something>

I'm applying for Design, why? Because I'm damn good at web design and graphics! ( add more detail in your application; this is also an example )
<Links to my awesome Design portfolio and cool stuff I've made should go here>

Do not copy this example... It is a SIMPLE example. We're looking for a more detailed description and not a simple sentence to why you should be a part of the team. Also, please make a new thread when you create your application.

You may reply to this thread if you have questions and/or concerns.