Yes, I've checked your request - you had started a PayPal dispute on the next day after acquisition.
As it was mentioned million of times - any action with PayPal disputes for a refund - ALWAYS leads to be blacklisted in nxHacks community PERMANENTLY!!!
nxHacks community does not have many strict terms of participation except to be friendly and to avoid any kind of PayPal dispute !!!
So if you have faced with any kind of issues - read information on forum, post your issue or request, in a pinch can post to admins for support (if such issue is unresolved in any other way), we are always welcome in any kind of assistance - INSTEAD of starting the dispute in payment !!!

So, now as a result - you had already failed in payments and having issues in future participation and using our hacks !!!

In most cases there is NO way back from exile BUT if you are sorry for such actions and realize mistakes you have done - you can post a request to any of admin to remove you from a blacklist with your explanations why it should be done !!!
Don't try to cheat, demand or blackmail again with a sob stories in defence on own actions - it won't pass and will be leaved with NO attention !!! All such requests will be reviewed individually !!! There is noting you can demand on.

Consider it as a last chance to join back to nxHacks community, don't failed again !!!